What Would You Say?

Written by Emily Cruse

Last month, our Leading Ladies Group had the opportunity to attend the Credit One Charleston Open, which was an incredible experience thanks to the City of Charleston Recreation. Shortly after arriving, the girls were approached by a reporter and asked who they were, in terms of our organization. The group leaders stepped back and let the girls describe the things we do. The truth was our girls could not effectively describe the purpose. This was a lesson for us as leaders. At that moment, we changed course for our lesson the following week. 

Our leaders often tell the girls the importance of representing the group, their families, and themselves at each meeting. However, we had not practiced articulating their unique goals. The girls were challenged to create an elevator speech regarding the girls group and for themselves. We never know whose path we are crossing, an opportunity we might miss when not prepared. The girls were hesitant at first, but quickly stepped up. After a couple weeks of practice, the girls presented for our guest speakers, and the change from a month ago was astounding. The girls are now empowered to find their voice and their confidence is growing week by week. 

When given your thirty seconds, what would you say?

Keys to an Effective Elevator Pitch

A brief, persuasive speech that you can use to spark interest in what your organization does. You can also use one to create interest in a project, idea, or product.

♦ Identify your goal.

♦ Communicate your USP. 

♦ Put it all together.

♦ Explain what you do.

♦ Engage with a question.

♦ Practice.


Coming Back 10-Fold


Stepping into a month of HOPE